Graduate Student Travel Funds

Let us help you share your work at professional conferences around the globe! The Graduate College provides funds to support student participation in conferences in Texas, the United States, and beyond.

Please Note

Texas State University is following recommendations by the United States Department of State regarding foreign travel.

Award Details

The Graduate College will partially fund one graduate student conference presentation request per year subject to availability of funding.

  • Until September 1, 2025, The Graduate College will provide up to $150 for conference participation.

  Your department and/or academic college may also contribute funds for your travel.


In order to receive travel funds, you must: 

  • be enrolled in a graduate degree program at Texas State University
  • have an accepted conference paper, poster, professional presentation, or performance/exhibit 
  • be in good academic standing during the semester the conference is held
  • meet all Texas State University travel regulations

Application Requirements

  Begin the four-step process to submit these items as soon as you have been selected to present.

Selection Process

Awards are processed in the order received and will be made after considering department/school and college contributions.

Request Graduate Student Travel Funds