History (M.A.)
M.A. History

Program Overview
The Department of History offers close mentoring with top scholars as well as the benefits of a large and diverse research community. Collaborative efforts with the Center for Texas Music History, the Center for the Study of the Southwest and a vibrant public history program complement the graduate program.
San Marcos offers a rich locale for public history practice with more than 50 history museums, archives, preservation organizations and historic sites within a 100-mile radius, including The LBJ Presidential Library and Museum, the San Antonio Missions, the Bullock Texas State History Museum and the Texas State Library and Archives.
Course Work
Master of Arts (M.A.) students may choose either the thesis or non-thesis option. Those who choose the thesis option will produce an original work of substantial length based on research in primary source materials. Students who choose the non-thesis option will instead demonstrate their mastery of historical knowledge and skills by completing comprehensive exams covering their major fields of study. Students also may choose the non-thesis option with a concentration in history education. This degree allows those who wish to become teachers to combine history course work with education course work leading to a teacher certification. Alternatively, those who are already teachers may combine history course work with study in one or two other fields.
The Master of Arts (M.A.) in History with a concentration in Public History is available with a thesis or a non-thesis option. The non-thesis option requires 36 credit hours, during which students take designated public history courses (such as historic preservation, museum studies, oral history) as well as history electives in their area of interest. Required credit hours also include an introduction to historiography and methods as well as a general research seminar. The thesis option includes three additional credit hours devoted to thesis work. Collaborative efforts with the Center for Texas Music History, the Center for the Study of Southwest, the Center for International Studies, and the Texas Center for Public History complement outstanding scholarship and curricular opportunities throughout the graduate program.
Degree | Concentration | Hours | Thesis Option | Minor Option | Location |
Degree M.A. | Concentration No concentration | Hours 36 | Thesis Option Non-Thesis | Minor Option No minor | Location San Marcos |
Degree M.A. | Concentration No concentration | Hours 33 | Thesis Option Thesis* | Minor Option No minor | Location San Marcos |
Degree M.A. | Concentration History Education | Hours 36 | Thesis Option Non-Thesis | Minor Option Minor | Location San Marcos |
Degree M.A. | Concentration Public History Studies | Hours 36 | Thesis Option Non-Thesis | Minor Option No minor | Location San Marcos |
Degree M.A. | Concentration Public History Studies | Hours 39 | Thesis Option Thesis* | Minor Option No minor | Location San Marcos |
*Please read additional information below regarding thesis course work and foreign language competency.
Program Details
Graduates have gone on to graduate from top doctoral programs such as Berkeley, Johns Hopkins and Rutgers and have achieved successful careers in education, business, government and beyond.
Students gain practical skills and knowledge through collaborative course projects and through semester-long internships with local institutions.
Program Mission
The mission of the Department of History at Texas State University is to shape exceptional scholars and broaden historical horizons by offering a rigorous program for students who are passionate about history and about furthering their education. Small classes and close mentoring with top research faculty mean a personalized graduate experience and access to a close-knit community of scholars. Hands-on learning immerses students in historiographical debates, tightens analytical and writing skills, and develops research abilities. The department is committed to the highest levels of academic excellence and to providing top-quality mentoring and training for its students
Career Options
Graduate study in history develops written and verbal communication skills and analytical abilities that prepare students for a wide range of occupations. Although many graduates of the M.A. history program go on to careers in public and higher education, they also achieve professional success in business, industry and government agencies.
Public History Concentration: This program prepares students for public history careers in a variety of settings and leads students to pursue doctoral studies. Our graduates find professional employment in the fields of historic preservation, oral history, historic site interpretation, public programming, museums and archives management.
Program Faculty
The department's robust full-time faculty have established national and international reputations in their fields. Faculty maintain outstanding levels of research and publications, with particular strengths in the fields of American and Latin American history. Graduate faculty have published with top academic presses, including Cambridge, Oxford and Harvard University Press. Their publications can also be found in top-tier journals, including Slavery and Abolition, the Hispanic American Historical Review, The Americas, The Journal of American Ethnic History, The Journal of Women's History and others.
Public History Concentration: The Department of History boasts an impressive faculty known for their varied research projects and professional expertise. The curriculum takes full advantage of established scholars and practicing professionals in the fields of historic preservation, oral history, local and community history, digital history, historic site interpretation, cultural resource management, and museum and archival management. Areas of faculty specialization include American, European, Latin American, East Asian, South Asian and West and North African history, as well as Public History.
Contact us for general questions about your application, funding opportunities, and more. If you have specific questions after reviewing the program details, contact the program's graduate advisor.
Graduate Advisor
Dr. José de la Puente
Taylor-Murphy History (TMH)
Graduate Advisor
(Public History)
Dr. Peter Dedek
Taylor-Murphy History (TMH), Room 206
Advisor Support
Roberta Ruiz
Taylor-Murphy History (TMH), Room 202

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Application Deadlines
Deadlines | U.S. Citizen | International |
Deadlines Fall - Priority | U.S. Citizen February 1 | International February 1 |
Deadlines Fall - Standard | U.S. Citizen June 15 | International June 1 |
Deadlines Spring | U.S. Citizen October 15 | International October 1 |
Deadlines Summer I | U.S. Citizen April 15 | International March 15 |
Deadlines Summer II | U.S. Citizen June 1 | International No Admission |
This program's deadline is firm. This type of deadline means the application and other application requirements must be submitted by the program's specified deadline day.
| Funding Information Applications must be complete by the priority deadline to be considered for Graduate College funding. If you wish to apply for a graduate instructional assistant (GIA) position within the History Department, please complete the online application posted on the History GIA Information website. While positions are open until filled, we recommend applying by May 15 for the fall semester, by November 15 for the spring semester, and by April 15 for summer sessions. |
| Decision Timeline This program reviews applications on a rolling basis. |
Admission Requirements
The items required for admission consideration are listed below. Additional information for applicants with international credentials can be found on our international web pages.
- Completed online application
Review important information about the online application.
Application Fee
- $55 nonrefundable application fee
OR - $90 nonrefundable application fee for applications with international credentials
Review important information about application fees.
- $55 nonrefundable application fee
Transcripts & GPA
- baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited university (Non-U.S. degrees must be equivalent to a four-year U.S. Bachelor’s degree. In most cases, three-year degrees are not considered. Visit our International FAQs for more information.)
- a copy of an official transcript from each institution where course credit was granted
- a 2.75 overall GPA or a 2.75 GPA in your last 60 hours of undergraduate course work (plus any completed graduate courses)
- minimum 3.25 GPA in a minimum of 18 hours of undergraduate history course work
Review important information about transcripts. Official transcripts, sent directly from your institution, will be required if admission is granted.
Test Scores
- GRE not required
Approved English Proficiency Exam Scores
Applicants are required to submit an approved English proficiency exam score that meets the minimum program requirements below unless they have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited U.S. institution or the equivalent from a country on our exempt countries list.
- official TOEFL iBT scores required with a 78 overall
- official PTE scores required with a 52 overall
- official IELTS (academic) scores required with a 6.5 overall and
- minimum individual module scores of 6.0
- official Duolingo Scores required with a 110 overall
- official TOEFL Essentials scores required with an 8.5 overall
Review important information about official test scores.
- resume/CV highlighting academic achievements
- statement of purpose (750-1000 words with name in header) describing how your undergraduate experience in history courses directed your career toward graduate-level work in history or how that experience shaped what you expect of your work in history at the graduate level at Texas State University.
- two letters of recommendation with at least one from a history professor (if you majored in history)
- Language Competency Statement: Thesis students should assess their level of competency to read and research in any languages other than English that could be essential to their area of study or thesis topic. Provide a brief explanation of any relevant language competencies, including the means through which you acquired them, any plans to improve them, and a self-assessment of reading and speaking skills in terms of basic, intermediate, proficient, advanced, and native abilities. If an applicant plans to research and study in English language sources only, then they should simply state this.
- Writing sample, preferably a research paper of 15 to 20 pages in length, produced during the student’s coursework. If the student is unable to submit a paper of this type, please contact the Director of Graduate Studies (sdamiano@txstate.edu) to discuss other acceptable submissions.
Review important information about documents.