Purgatory Trail Run 2019

Saturday, January 12 welcomed runners with an absolutely beautiful morning to run the Purgatory Trail Run, organized by our friends at Core Running. The race had a 5K and 10-mile option and gave runners the chance to see the beauty hidden in our city’s Purgatory Trail. As an anonymous runner once said, “Don’t think of them as hills, think of them as mounds of opportunity.” There was plenty of opportunity on Purgatory Trail this weekend!

a trail through the woods
an open trail with blue skies and shining sun

This race is a hidden gem for students and faculty because it takes place in between semesters. However, that timing did not stop the Running With The Graduate Deans group from running the 10-mile option. Due to the rainfall the night before, the course proved to be challenging at times, with slick areas of mud and slippery rocks. Muddy or not, the smiles in our “before” picture below never faded throughout the race! 

A unique feature of this race, though common on trail runs, was the cupless water station set up. Runners were sent reminders to bring their own water bottles or hydration vests to ensure they could replenish their water supply on the trail. This ensured that the trail stayed litter free and runners stayed hydrated throughout the course.

Three runners posing with Running With the Grad Deans shirts amidst a group of runners
two big yellow water jugs sit on a folding table in the middle of the woods

Are you feeling a case of FOMO (fear of missing out)? There’s a solution for that! We encourage you to run with us at our next race on February 23, the Pura Vida 5K. This race is the third annual Pura Vida 5K run and wellness event. It is sponsored by the Department of Physical Therapy Study Abroad program, which takes students to Costa Rica. Runners will have an opportunity to see Lake Pflugerville as they complete their 5K and learn about the Pura Vida lifestyle after they finish the race. Do not miss this opportunity to support the Department of Physical Therapy Study Abroad program in Costa Rica!

Have you been thinking about running with us, but do not consider yourself to be a “runner?” Perhaps this Bart Yasso quote will encourage you to try out the next 5K race: “I often hear someone say I’m not a real runner. We are all runners, some just run faster than others. I never met a fake runner.” Bart has run races on all seven continents, including the Mount Kilimanjaro marathon, so clearly he knows what he’s talking about. The participants in Running with the Graduate Deans are inclusive, encouraging, and would love the chance to meet runners and walkers of all paces and levels! We look forward to seeing you in February.