Pura Vida 5k 2018

a group of runners wearing Running With the Graduate Deans shirts
a trail close to Texas State University's Meadows Center
graduate deans Sandy Rao, Andrea Golato, and Eric Paulson

On Saturday, Running with the Graduate Deans participated in a very special race: the Pura Vida 5k. Why is it a special race? Because it was organized by our own Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) students to raise funds for their study abroad course in Costa Rica. The race thus provided an opportunity to help the graduate community in two ways: by supporting DPT’s study abroad trip and raising funds for scholarships in general. 18 individuals did just that — and raised $450.

The DPT students are known on campus as a pretty hard-working group and, boy, did they make us work on that 5k! They picked a beautiful location for the race: the trails around the Meadows Center. While several of us knew what was in store, others were caught by surprise by the many hills on the rocky trail. It really seemed like we were running more uphill than downhill, but it kept things interesting. Add to that the varying scenery (see the lovely shots in our Facebook album) and the pleasant temperatures, and you have a perfect race. Thanks, DPT for organizing it — we had a blast!

Many students participated, but also lots of staff and faculty from around campus. There were also two special runners from The Graduate College: Laurie Pickerill, a regular runner, avid traveler and the admissions specialist for DPT students, who came to support “her” students in this worthy cause. Assistant Dean Sandy Rao was also in attendance in her first-ever Running with the Grad Deans event. She power-walked the course and still found energy to take many of the lovely nature shots in the Running with The Grad Deans Facebook album.