Firecracker 5K Evening Run 2019

Firecracker 5k participants

The Firecracker 5k, which is our only summer run, took place last night. A couple of brief afternoon thunderstorms brought the temperatures down to very pleasant levels, which was a welcome change from previous years. However, those rains apparently also scared some people off since there were far fewer race participants than expected. The same was true for the Running with the Grad Deans group: apart from Dean Golato, only one other Running with the Grad Deans participant was at the race. This participant was new to running – in fact, the Firecracker 5k was her very first 5k! The duo completed the race together, employing a walk-run strategy and keeping the pace to a level where they could still have a conversation. Cheered on by spectators, they had a great time.

We hope we’ll see our new participant at future Running with the Grad Deans events! Our participation in the Firecracker 5k raised $50 for student conference travel. Our next event will be the Country Roads 5k in September. We’ll announce the exact date as soon as it becomes available.