Firecracker 5K Evening Run 2017

Five Running With the Grad Deans participants smile before the race

Hot. That is the best way to describe the Firecracker 5K Evening Run on June 29, 2017. Despite the 7:30 start time, temperatures were still in the 90s. However, the hot and humid temperature did little to dampen the spirits of those running with the graduate deans! Nine participants banded together, first at the pre-race pasta lunch, then before the race itself to offer encouragement and to exchange tips for staying cool. During the race, runners were treated to the views in the Five Mile Dam park (including some four-legged mooing friends), efficient water service, and a nice flat course. All nine runners crossed the finish line with strength and determination with four placing in their age groups! All in all, this race raised $275 for graduate education! Check out our Facebook page for more photos!